Ukraine has over 100,000 orphaned children. The reasons for so many orphaned children are as many as there are children.

Orphaned children in Ukraine are a low priority at this time and in many remote areas they are “no priority”. Too often, international aid and government assistance are not making it to the orphanages. For many directors and children, hope is lost. They feel they have been forgotten by the community and the government.

The orphanages graduate the children at 16 years of age, expecting them to either go to a trade school or get a job and be productive in society. Trade school or college is out of the question for nearly all. Over 80% of the children are afraid to leave the orphanage. 20% will commit suicide by age 18. Over 70% of the boys will go on to live a life of crime and over 70% of the girls will get lured into prostitution or sex trafficking.  Drug and alcohol addiction is rampant with many children living on the streets.

A winter coat or a pair of shoes can change a life.  Hope is very powerful and can come from anywhere. Even a pair of pink high tops.